Wednesday, May 27, 2009


And all this time, the author kept apologizing for it all. He’d tell the truth and that would be good, but the truth was blasphemous and that would be bad.
Good for some, bad for some.



God, Pure Good
Devil, Ah! Well…


God did good. You were happy. God got popular. Devil got pissed.

Devil impersonated God and made a Devil of the God. The devil probably hired a PR agency to finish the job.

The new God setup a church and asked you to pray pray pray, for it was all suffering suffering sad. You did. Meanwhile the new Devil asked you to love love love and have a good time, for it wasn’t all that bad. You wondered.

Eventually, you stopped crying and started having a good time. The new Devil got popular. The new God got pissed.

God impersonated Devil and made a God of the Devil. The God also gave that same PR agency – free will.

The new Devil sang while you loved and lo! There were diseases for you that only monkeys could have before. You loved and you lost and you cried and you wept.

The God setup a church and asked you to save, help, heal everything, for it all did matter. You did. You wondered. Meanwhile the Devil asked you to eat, shit, fuck everything, for none of it mattered in the end. You wondered. You did.

Eventually, you may stop crying and start having a good time. The God gets popular. The Devil gets pissed.

More business for the PR agency where you work.
It’s called life-something isn’t it?

And all this time, the author kept apologizing for it all. He’d tell the truth and that would be good, but the truth was blasphemous and that would be bad.
Good for some, bad for some.

So, he’d apologize and do it all over again.
Good, bad, bad, good, bad, bad, good, good, bad, good, good, bad…It was his nature.
Creative Commons License
'twas A Dark And Stormy blog by Shaurya Agarwal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
Based on a work at