I loved David Fincher's "Director's Dialogue" interview. I saw it on Trailer Addict some time before "The Social Network" was to be released in India.
Then I saw it again and thought "I really like this interview, let me put it up as a post so I can watch it again when I want to..." It was posted in 10 parts of about 5 minutes each, a little cumbersome to watch.
What I wanted to do here is link all the 10 parts in this post, so it's a little easier viewing the next time I want to watch it.
I really liked Mr. Fincher's easy humour and the way he can be lucid without saying much ("perfume commercial, perfume commercial, perfume commercia... condom comercial, perfume commercial..." etc.)
There's other things I liked about it, but first, here are the 10 parts:
[Update: Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!Fuck-ity!Fuck! Stupid WordPress does not allow embedding of videos from Trailer Addict - I keep regretting moving to this platform from Blogger...the move back may be tedious, or maybe not...aw! FUCK! For now, all this post has is a link that opens the relevant Trailer Addict page in a new tab/window. Sheesh! Grow the fuck up WordPress!]
- David Fincher, Director's Dialogue Interview, part 1
- David Fincher, Director's Dialogue Interview, part 2
- David Fincher, Director's Dialogue Interview, part 3
- David Fincher, Director's Dialogue Interview, part 4
- David Fincher, Director's Dialogue Interview, part 5
- David Fincher, Director's Dialogue Interview, part 6
- David Fincher, Director's Dialogue Interview, part 7
- David Fincher, Director's Dialogue Interview, part 8
- David Fincher, Director's Dialogue Interview, part 9
- David Fincher, Director's Dialogue Interview, part 10